Poem: The Mask

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The Mask is an inspirational poem written by Angel Leya when in her teens.
Photo courtesy of Richard Dudley

The Mask

I have a mask on, but no one sees;
I have always worn it, so they think it’s me.
When I get alone, I wish to take it off . . .
But when I do, there’s nothing there; my face I have lost.
I cry aloud in horror and put my mask back on;
I’ve worn my mask too much,
and now all that was truly me is gone.
And then I hear a loving voice. It calls aloud to me,
“My daughter, if you believe, I can set you free!”
“But God!” I cry, “I am no one,
I have nothing here to give.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’ve already paid.
Please, come and take my gift.”
So I slowly reach out and take the box
That he laid before me then.
I untie the bow and tear the paper off,
And the box begins to open.
Inside there is a brand new heart;
When I see it, I begin to cry.
For I see all the love Jesus has for me;
He thought of me when He died.
Jesus sees that I can’t move from grief,
And He hurries to my side to help.
He picks up the heart and puts it in me.
When he takes out my old heart I yelp!
For it hurt so much to take out the old—
It was rooted in so deep.
He gives me a hug to soothe the pain
And on his shoulder I weep.
“But wait, “ He says, “Take off the mask.
In sorrow there is much joy.”
So I stop all my crying, the pain is gone.
When I take off the mask, I enjoy
The sight of a face looking at me,
And loving me through and through.
It’s the sight of the face of the one I most love
Who has crafted my face anew.
So I hug Him once more and cry with delight
“Will it be easy now with you?”
“No my child, there are hardships ahead,
But I will always help you through!”

This piece of inspirational poetry was written at a turbulent time in my teens. I dealt with a lot of depression, and journaling and creating poems was my means of therapy. I always tried to end with a positive note, as you’ll see here. Again, I was inspired by David and the Psalms, which are full of poetry that explores the depths of despair as well as the hope of God.

What kinds of trying times have you been through? What have you done to find encouragement. Leave a comment below and let me know what’s on your mind.

Like this poem? Check out it and more in my book, Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos.

Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos

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