Book Review: Saven Deception by @siobhandavis

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Saven Deception (Saven #1)Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Sadie just knows the new government “Experimento” of underwater cities (meant to solve the world’s overpopulation crisis) can change her life. So when she gets selected to participate, she’s in.

But shaking off her past is difficult, especially when things start to get weird, like her newest best friend falling all over a guy she doesn’t even seem to like.

And why is the government, so bent on keeping the lower class in their place, suddenly interested in giving anyone a hand up?


Saven Deception was an entertaining read. I loved the concept, the city, and the romance was pretty intense. I was a little less excited about the ending, and some of Sadie’s decisions were incredibly frustrating. The romance in this book felt a lot like Twilight (sans love triangle), so if you like that, you’ll probably love this.

And isn’t that cover gorgeous? :)

**The romance was steamy, but didn’t cross any lines. Sadie’s friend is a bit free with her body, which comes across a little awkward, but otherwise okay. There are a few f-bombs in this, though the swearing is generally pretty sparse. Read at your own risk. :)

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