Baby Growth is Just Too Quick!

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thattongue (5)I recently photographed the newborn baby boy of a friend and was reminded of just how much my child has grown. Of course, the new baby was two pounds smaller than my child ever was, but it still amazes me just how much he has grown within the last ten months.

Besides going from less than seven pounds to over twenty, Brandon has gone from doing nothing but the basics to becoming a little person. He is nearly walking, has perfected his crawl, can sit up and roll over at will, and he can feed himself finger food. He has popped out seven teeth and has learned to smile, laugh, and reach for Dad or I when he wants to get out of his walker or seat. He even understands some of what I tell him to do, like open his mouth or not to touch the cat food, though he still tries to go for it.

I look at my baby boy and I see a young man.

He may still be a baby, but he is so much more than that. I look at him and can envision him running around, curious and so eager to learn. I see him flopping over to his stomach in his sleep and suddenly I see the teenager he will one day be. It scares and excites me. As much as I want to keep him small and adorable, I am excited to continue to discover his personality.

Two more months and my son will be one year old. It has been hard and wonderful. I have cried and laughed and felt like I couldn’t go on, but every day I learn more and grow more, and so does my little boy. Oh the difference ten months can make, and two more months are sure to make a huge difference as well.

I ask my son all the time to stop growing, but I am so glad he defies me, because as much as I would love to keep him small, I love seeing him grow.

How do you measure baby growth? What is it like when you realize just how much your child has grown? I would love to hear about it!

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