Book Review: The Faerie Prince by @AuthorRMorgan

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The Faerie PrinceThe Faerie Prince by Rachel Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


In The FaerieĀ Prince, Graduation is closing in, and Violet can almost taste victory as top of the faerie guild class. But the last assignment pairs her with Ryn–no longer her mortal enemy, but also not exactly her friend. What seems like a simple assignment throws her further into the problems with Zell, a powerful Unseelie faerie who’s collecting fae with special powers. Plus, things with Ryn get… complicated.


What an exciting and heart-pounding journey through all the twists and turns of this epic young adult fantasy. I’m rooting for Violet (even after that stupid stunt she pulls at the end of the book – but omg, I have to keep reading! Good thing I have the whole series). The romance is delicious, the twists are stunning, and the end of The Faerie Prince will leave you wondering how the author can possibly fix this impossible situation.

**There is some swearing, mild and infrequent, and some intense sexual situations, though nothing too detailed.

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