Poem: Shooting Star

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This friendship poem was written for a boy who had to move far away and expresses the feelings of sadness, love, and connection Angel Leya felt as a result.
image courtesy of Billy Alexander

Shooting Star

I sit here tonight,
And wish upon a shooting star.
Praying for you,
And praying for me.
May you always be happy,
May you always be safe,
May God guide your steps always,
And may our paths cross again.
But if we don’t meet again on earth,
Please know I’ll be praying for you
As I am tonight,
And returning the blessing you’ve been.

I don’t exactly remember the motivation behind this poem, though I suspect it was about a boy who I got to know and who had to travel back home, which was a long way from where I lived. This friendship poem was written with the best of intentions, though our paths were not meant to merge again. Such is the way of things sometimes, but this piece still carries a deep sentiment of loving someone who had to leave.

What friendships have faded from your life? Did they leave on good terms or bad? Let’s talk about it in the comment section below.

Like this poem? Check out it and more in my book, Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos.

Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos

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