Why I Value Clean Books

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Clean Fantasy Reads #Giveaway! https://mybookcave.com/g/7c0d6c16/ #freeebooks #mustread

I love books.

They’re incredible, transporting you to faraway places and imaginary lives. They hold your hand through the dangers and hug you when those you love die.

Have I mentioned I love books?

But what I don’t love is having to wade through 4-letter words and graphic sex and violence to read a story. I want something I’m not afraid to read to my 5-year-old son.

And I love those kinds of books so much, that I’ve made it what I write. The great thing is, just because a book is clean, doesn’t mean it can’t hit on heavy subjects. I’ve read clean books that have dealt with a myriad of problems and attitudes and characters. These characters do everything that other, more brazen and darker books write about, but without all the nitty-gritty details.

It’s okay to have books that focus on the darker. That’s real, and some people want to see that reflected in the books they read.

I’m just not one of those people.

That’s why I got super excited when I discover Book Cave. This site is dedicated to allowing authors and readers rate their books for content. So if you want something more, you know what you’re picking up, and if you want something cleaner, you can have that, too.

So often the books we read come with no labels. I’ve picked up many a book that I’ve had to “edit” as I read it aloud. And I can handle that, but on occasion I pick up a book that looks amazing, and then realize that it’s not the right book for me. Something is too detailed or too focused on being “real” when all I want to do is escape.

I hate to put a book aside without reading and reviewing it.

I know how hard it can be as an author when you’re not getting that feedback. But I also realize that my time is too precious to waste it on a book that I can’t stomach. Sure, I’ve pushed through from time to time, but only if the story is compelling enough.

If you like clean reads, like me, you should head over to Book Cave and see what they have going on. There’s a clean fantasy reads giveaway happening right now (January 13th through February 28th, 2018)!

There are over 28 free clean books to download and read, and there’s a giveaway for a $50 gift card (Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, or iTunes).

And thanks as always for sticking with me.

Clean Fantasy Reads #Giveaway! https://mybookcave.com/g/7c0d6c16/ #freeebooks #mustread

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