Poem: A Psalm of Praise and Prayer

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This psalm poem was written by Angel Leya as a source of strength and encouragement.
photo courtesy of James Chan

A Psalm of Praise and Prayer

I will praise you, O, my God!
You lift me up in my weakness.
Your yoke sets me free.
Though I am being attacked on every side,
You shield me with my faith in You!
I come close to You to worship You.
Your love runs deeper than any love I’ve known.
My sorrows bring me riches untold;
My tears produce diamonds in heaven.
You fill me with gladness and my heart rejoices.
You have given me much,
And much more will follow.
When I stopped fearing You
And began trusting in You,
You opened up my heart,
Cleaned it out,
And now dwell in it!
Your love is like a rose without thorns;
Always red and blooming.
Time will not permit me to tell all of You.
I will always remember Your love,
Your will for my life,
The things You have let me care for,
And Your promise.
Help me overcome my trials each day,
For I know the enemy will come,
And try to steal You from me!

Another psalm poem, though this one is much closer to the style you see in psalm. What passages do you draw strength and inspiration from? Comment below to let me know!

Like this poem? Check out it and more in my book, Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos.

Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos

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