Poem: Reality

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This relationship poem is about letting go, even though it hurts. Sometimes the best decisions are the hard ones.
photo courtesy of Anton Malan


Burning desire, raging emotions.
Thoughts of love, marriage notions.
Have I found the One?

Want to love and to be loved.
Together forever—ordained from above,
But is this the One?

Questions, seeking, want to know.
Looking endlessly for which way to go.
What is to be done?

I want you, but have given you up,
Sacrificed like Isaac on Abraham’s altar of love.
It leaves me stunned.

Jesus, hold me close, I hurt so much.
My heart is raw and tender to touch.
What have I done?

My heart is ripped by the sacrifice of you,
But the alternative was awful. What could I do?
I’ve trusted God’s Son.

The death of you is the death of me
Such bittersweet victory . . .
But is the battle won?

Another relationship poem in which I questioned whether to hold on or let go. Obviously, I had to let go.

What hard decisions have you made? Did you stick with your decision on the first go, or did you struggle with it and waver? Post your comment below to share your story.

Like this poem? Check out it and more in my book, Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos.

Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos

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