Poem: Fear, Trust, Pray

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This poem by Angel Leya is written about the anxiety that can come when opening up your heart to others.
photo courtesy of Sigurd Decroos

Fear, Trust, Pray

You give, I take,
Because I’m afraid of what you’ll think.
Everyone else has thought me strange—
I don’t know if I can take that strain.
To know, and not be known;
How can you know unless I show?
But I’m afraid of heartbreak;
That of my heart a mess you’ll make.
What to do?
I simply must trust.
Will all shatter?
Yet I must trust!
Fears runs strong,
And so very deep.
I beg thee Lord,
My heart to keep!

Self doubt plagued me as a teen, and I wrestled all the time with fear of rejection. This embodied that feeling, as well as reminding me that I needed to open myself up to live and trust God to take care of me when I stumbled.

What is your greatest fear? How do you overcome them? Add your comment below to join the conversation.

Like this poem? Check out it and more in my book, Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos.

Poetry in Composition: A Coffee Table Book of Poetry and Photos

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